Champagne Brunch and Bingo Benefit

- November 12, 2022 9:30AM - 11:30AM
- Indianola Country Club, 1610 Country Club Rd, Indianola, IA 50125
- Get directions
- Chari Kruse 515-979-1879
- Add to my calendar
- Registration for this event has closed
Join us for a morning of great food, bubbly champagne and lots of fun at the 10th annual Champagne Brunch and Bingo Benefit! Enjoy an array of delicious brunch favorites and decadent desserts while being entertained by talented vocalists. Play a rousing game of bingo and make a bid or two on the wonderful silent auction packages.
Tickets are $30 ($15 is tax-deductible) and can be purchased by email at or by calling Chari Kruse at 515-961-6221.