Corporate & Public Partners
Because of the generous support of our Corporate and Public Partners, Des Moines Metro Opera has taken its place as one of America’s leading summer opera festivals.
Des Moines Metro Opera structures sponsorship opportunities to give companies a high degree of flexibility based on their individual marketing, promotional and/or philanthropic goals. Each sponsor receives a unique package of benefits providing an extensive level of brand exposure throughout the entire event or sponsorship duration. DMMO is always happy to tailor benefits and recognition to meet your objectives.
To become a Corporate or Business Sponsor, please contact Michael Egel at megel@dmmo.org.
DMMO is deeply grateful to create art in a vibrant city among corporations, foundations and institutions that support our work and appreciate the regional impact of the company. Without their generosity we would be unable to fulfill our mission.
Thank you to the following corporations and businesses who make our programming and events possible: