This man saved me from what I considered to be a bleak future. As a HS senior, I had no money-only good grades and many music awards to my name. I also have to credit my HS vocal teacher for training me to perform & record a full length memorized classical recital as a Jr. in HS. Once Robert heard this recording, (which I still have) he secured every academic and music scholarship he could find so that I even had enough left over to buy my books the first couple of years. If memory serves, he also funded my first madrigal dress as a freshman. I even had a campus job and worked in the DMMO Box Office during the summers. At the time, I was oblivious to most of his monumental behind-the-scenes efforts to secure a place for me at Simpson. Like a musical Harry Potter, I wasn’t really fully aware that there was an opera culture for kids my age. I found my people & I was able to develop my gift on a beautiful campus with great friends and an outstanding music culture. Those really were some of the best times in my life. I went on to win the IA Met Auditions and sing with DMMO both as an Apprentice Artist for 2 seasons and sing main stage roles. And so now you know a little bit more about a comparatively small act that this true Renaissance man did for a young & naive farm girl with a gift back in the day. And you also know why I gladly worked my ass off for him, even when he directed me to serve a proper English tea while singing Durch Zärtlichkeit. I loved every single minute of it. I can never truly repay Robert for believing in me. Because he believed, I was able to accomplish things I never knew were possible for me. I am so incredibly grateful for his presence in my life. Godspeed Robert! Much love to you!
– Rose Bollin-Loth