I remember meeting Dr Larsen for the first time at the 1979 Simpson prospective student's weekend. I was a young pianist/opera-enthusiast and I was an idiot; the years have changed only one of those attributes, LOL. So many fond memories of him at Simpson and at DMMO. Yes, everyone remembers the bees at "The Con" swarming and pooping on his "Romanticism in the Arts" blue book exams, the abundant solo/ensemble performance opportunities, the Christmas parties, the choir tours-of-death (raise your hand if you remember OD'ing on petrified Easter "Peeps"), the late-night singing of opera choruses to the beleaguered locals at Harry's Corner Sundry, and the bi-annual butchering of his favorite Shakespeare sonnets during Madrigal Dinner. Some remember being told by him *in concert multiple times* to see Venice before it sank into the sea (could still happen in our lifetime, I'm taking a wait-and-see on this one). Some memories involved plastic ducks and opera theater pyrotechnic supplies. And alcohol, if I recall. If you were there and you still have the pictures from the Iowa Methodist Medical Center Burn Unit, let's keep that amongst ourselves. I'll never forget getting screamed at for failure to memorize scores (remember, those were the brown-suit days or perhaps the green-suit ones?). No one could choreograph a full-scale ensemble rehearsal throw-down like he could. Likely exceeds today's acceptable pedagogical micro-aggression threshold. I will probably miss that most of all. Rest In Peace, Robert.
– Roger Bethard