My husband and I moved to Osceola in 1994. Until then, I had no idea there was an opera company in Iowa, much less 30 miles up the road. Jay and I were long-time opera buffs, especially Jay, who had grown up in NJ and attended the old and new Met, way up in the top tier where he swore the acoustics were best. I told Jay we should get season tickets, and he sort of brushed me off, but I got them anyway and practically dragged him to "La Boheme" in the summer of 1995. He was brought to tears by the production and we went to every production every summer. Jay died in 2007, but every summer when I attend the opera with my friends I think of him. What Dr. Larsen created in Indianola is truly special and I am so grateful to him for his work. I heard him joke about opera in the corn fields once......but it is no joke! It's very special, thanks to him.
– Jean Rommes