Planned Giving


Members of the Legacy Circle at Des Moines Metro Opera help to perpetuate the Company’s commitment to artistic excellence and fiscal stability by making provisions in their estate plans, by naming the Company as a beneficiary in a life insurance policy, or by establishing a charitable gift IRA. Because of their philanthropic spirit, the artistic experiences you have come to expect will be available for future generations of opera lovers.

By informing us of your planned gift, you will be included as a member of this remarkable group of friends. You may also choose to remain anonymous. If you have already made a planned gift, but have not shared this information with DMMO, please let us know so that we can celebrate your legacy and include you as a member of The Encore Society.

Qualifying Gifts Include:

  • Making a bequest to Des Moines Metro Opera's Foundation (EIN 42-1376458) in a will or trust
  • Naming the Des Moines Metro Opera Foundation as the beneficiary of an IRA or other retirement plan.
  • Naming the Des Moines Metro Opera Foundation as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy
  • Investing in a Charitable Gift Annuity to benefit Des Moines Metro Opera and generate tax-free income for you during your lifetime
  • Naming the Des Moines Metro Opera Foundation as the beneficiary of a Charitable Remainder Trust

To join the Legacy Circle contact Michael Egel, at (515) 961-6221 or, or download the Intent to Contribute form HERE