Of Mice and Men (1985)
Music by Carlisle Floyd
Libretto by the composer, based on John Steinbeck’s novella of the same title
Company Premiere
Performed in English
Performances: June 21, 30, July 2, 6
Lennie Small: Donald Hamrick
George Milton: Lawrence Cooper
Curley: William Livingston
Candy: David McShane
Curley’s Wife: Lauren Flanigan
Slim: John Atkins
Carlson: Brad Cresswell
Ballad Singer: Robert O’Neil
Ranch Hands: Philip Anderson, David Holley, Warren Huffman, Jeff Kensmoe, John Keyes ,Kyle Marrero, Raymond Roberts, Daniel Smith, Avery Tracht
Conductors: Robert L. Larsen, Stewart Robertson
Stage Director: Robert L. Larsen
Assistant Stage Director: Micha Hendel
Scenic Designer: Tony Norrenbrock
Lighting Designer: Zack Zanolli
Costume Designer: Ann Bruskiewitz
Musical Preparation: Bonnie Koestner, Douglas Stanton