For over 37 years OPERA Iowa has created magic in rural schools, city classrooms, cafetoriums, community centers, concert halls and gymnasiums, offering over one million young people and adults a quality arts experience today while building new enthusiastic opera audiences for tomorrow. As the state's largest and most expansive program in arts education and one of the most innovative programs of its kind, Des Moines Metro Opera's award-winning, regional arts education program features comprehensive study guides, curriculum-based workshops, as well as professional musical performances designed specifically for young people and families. The seven-member OPERA Iowa Troupe features young professionals from across the country who are committed to inspiring their audiences through exceptional theatrical experiences of the highest quality.
Want to see the OPERA Iowa troupe perform? Check out the schedule of OPERA Iowa performances HERE.
The 2025 tour will run from February 24 through April 25. Book your 2025 OPERA Iowa performance >
If you have any questions about the tour, contact Chari Kruse at operaiowa@dmmo.org or 515-961-6221.

The Billy Goats Gruff
Arranged by John Davies with music by Mozart, Rossini and Donizetti
For school performances, we are excited to offer The Billy Goats Gruff for the spring tour. The show takes a familiar tale and adds a fun operatic twist with a strong anti-bullying message. On the way home from school, three little billy goats encounter a steep bridge, a mean troll and a sticky situation that they must try to solve—and all set to some of the greatest classical music by Mozart, Rossini and Donizetti!
School residency of The Billy Goats Gruff: $595
School residency of The Billy Goats Gruff + Masterclass: $775
School residency of The Billy Goats Gruff + community performance of Cinderella: $1900

In this new adaptation of the classic fairytale, Cinderella overcomes her circumstances and transforms into the person she was always meant to be...which is who she was all along! Featuring new twists, this timeless tale of kindness, love, and self-realization is sure to enchant young—and young at heart—audiences of all ages.larious characters and set to some of Rossini's finest music, it becomes comic opera at its most exhilarating best!
Community performance of Cinderella + school residency of The Billy Goats Gruff: $1,900
Community performance of Cinderella + school residency of The Billy Goats Gruff + Masterclass: $2,200

OPERA Iowa Spotlight Concert
Treat your community or school to an arias concert featuring the hits of opera and musical theatre! This concert is perfect for opera newcomers and aficionados alike!
60-minute community performance of Spotlight Concert: $500
45-minute school performance of Spotlight Concert (with Q&A): $350

Explore the technical components of singing and dramatic interpretation with a Masterclass - a must-have seminar for high school and college students. This interactive session allows students to perform and benefit from vocal tips and insights from the professional singers of the OPERA Iowa troupe. The Masterclass is suited for both large and small groups and is perfect for contest season! Note: this session typically runs between 60-90 minutes.
Masterclasses: $350
Masterclass + School residency of The Billy Goats Gruff $775
applause for the sponsors!