The Rake's Progress (2006)
Music by Igor Stravinsky
Libretto by W. H. Auden and Chester Kallman based on William Hogarth’s series entitled The Progress of a Rake (1732-1733)
Performed in English
Performances: June 24, July 2, 7, 12, 15
Other Productions: 1975
Father Trulove: Tony Dillon
Anne, has daughter: Karin Wolverton
Tom Rakewell, a rake: Theodore Green
Nick Shadow: Dean Elzinga
Mother Goose: Jacqueline Thomson
Baba the Turk: Cindy Sadler
Sellem, an auctioneer: Travis Richter
Keeper of the Madhouse: Aaron Sorensen
Conductor: Robert L. Larsen
Stage Director: Robert L. Larsen
Assistant Conductor: Christiaan Crans
Assistant Stage Director: Linda Ade Brand
Chorus Master: Jennifer Peterson
Musical Preparation: Elden Little, Bryan Lemke
Scenic Design: R. Keith Brumley
Lighting Design: Barry Steele
Make-Up/Hair Design: Elsen Associates, Inc.
Costumes: Malabar Limited, Toronto
Stage Manager: Tracy Davis
Supertitle Operator: Bryan Lemke