The Virtual Festival
In lieu of an in-person festival, Des Moines Metro Opera teamed up with our friends at Iowa PBS to share online and televised presentations of recent productions of Billy Budd, Rusalka, Manon, Le Comte Ory and Bon Appétit! These broadcasts served as the centerpieces of our 2020 Virtual Festival and was supplemented by artist recitals, cast reunions, interviews, prelude talks, and digital versions of annual DMMO events.
DMMO also partnered with Iowa Public Radio to present radio broadcasts of recent DMMO productions of Turandot, Don Pasquale, Flight and Eugene Onegin every Saturday night of the Virtual Festival.
Please follow us on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter to learn more and keep updated on our exciting plans for this summer.

"Des Moines Metro Opera presents Manon"
an Iowa PBS broadcast
Streaming on-demand through August 12
Jules Massenet wrote several stylish, witty and beautiful operas, but it is Manon for which he is best remembered. The opera tells the story of the impulsive Manon, who falls in love with the young Chevalier des Grieux but also longs for the life of luxury and excitement offered by the rich nobleman De Brétigny. Her choice between young love and the allure of life's temptations is a timeless tale. In this broadcast from our 2016 production, soprano Sydney Mancasola and tenor Joseph Dennis star as the young Manon and Chevalier des Grieux, respectively. Maestro David Neely conducts and the production is directed by Kristine McIntyre.
Additional Manon events:
Maestro's Musings with David Neely
Director's Insights with Kristine McIntyre
Catching up with the Cast of Manon
Manon Prelude Talk with Joshua Borths

"Des Moines Metro Opera presents Rusalka"
an Iowa PBS broadcast
Streaming on-demand through August 19
Based on a familiar fairy tale tinged with seductive pastoral beauty and evocations of the supernatural, Antonín Dvořák’s Rusalka features a heroine who longs to transform herself for love, a jealous rival, witchcraft, and an opulent score. Rusalka, a beautiful water nymph, falls in love with a human prince and will do anything to escape her enchanted moonlit world to become human—but her wish comes at a very high price. Dvořák juxtaposes the mortal and the mythical with beautiful folk melodies and luminous arias, including Rusalka’s familiar and radiant “Song to the Moon.” In this broadcast of our 2018 production, soprano Sara Gartland enchants as Rusalka with tenor Evan LeRoy Johnson and mezzo Jill Grove making their DMMO debuts as the Prince and Ježibaba, respectively. Maestro David Neely leads the production with direction by Chas Rader-Shieber.
Additional Rusalka events:
Maestro's Musings with David Neely
Artist Recital with Sara Gartland
Catching up with the Cast of Rusalka
Rusalka Prelude Talk with Joshua Borths

"Des Moines Metro Opera presents Billy Budd"
an Iowa PBS broadcast
Streaming on demand through August 26
One of opera’s most grandly scaled masterpieces, Billy Budd is Herman Melville’s classic American tale adapted by English novelist E.M. Forster. It tells the story of the persecution and destruction of a young sailor by a predatory master-at-arms. From rollicking sea shanties to bombastic choral episodes, Benjamin Britten’s searing opera roars to life in a spectacular new production that transforms a British man o’ war into a crucible for human faith and error. In this broadcast of our acclaimed 2017 production, baritone Craig Verm stars as the young Billy Budd with tenor Roger Honeywell as Captain Vere, and bass Zachary James makes his DMMO debut as the Master-at-Arms, John Claggart. Maestro David Neely leads the production with direction by Kristine McIntyre.
Additional Billy Budd events:
The Infinite Sea lecture with Kristine McIntyre and Dawn Coleman
Catching up with the Cast of Billy Budd
Billy Budd Prelude Talk with Joshua Borths

"Des Moines Metro Opera presents Le Comte Ory"
an Iowa PBS broadcast
Streaming on demand through September 2
Rossini’s effervescent Le Comte Ory is a comic tale of disguise, seduction, and the victory of virtue. The scene is the French countryside; the time, the Middle Ages during the Crusades. Count Ory, a young nobleman, will do just about anything to conquer the chaste Countess Adèle—but his page Isolier will do even more to win her love. The result is a triangle of intrigue, counter-intrigue, and counter-counter-intrigue that features some of the most gorgeous and vocally dazzling music in the operatic repertoire. In this broadcast of our delightful 2014 production, tenor Taylor Stayton stars as the young Count Ory with soprano Sydney Mancasola and mezzo Stephanie Lauricella making their DMMO debuts as the Countess Adèle and Isolier, respectively. Baritone Steven LaBrie sings the role of Raimbaud, mezzo Margaret Lattimore sings Ragonde and bass-baritone Wayne Tigges sings the Tutor in this production led by Dean Williamson with direction by David Gately.
Additional Le Comte Ory events:
Le Comte Ory Insights with Dean Williamson
Catching up with the Cast of Le Comte Ory
Le Comte Ory Prelude Talk with Joshua Borths

Apprentice Spotlight Series
Meet the 2020 Apprentice Artists in this new video series. Click the links below to watch!
The Sopranos
The Mezzo-Sopranos
The Tenors
The Baritones & Basses

Stars of Tomorrow
Des Moines Metro Opera will present a digital version of the popular Stars of Tomorrow program, available to view on DMMO's website and on its Facebook and YouTube platforms. This special concert will feature performances by the DMMO Festival Orchestra and opera scenes by members of DMMO's 2020 Apprentice Artist Program.
Watch on Facebook >
Watch on YouTube >